Take advantage of the complete SOLIDWORKS Electrical symbol libraries. Get the full library (a 200 value) for a limited time only at no cost to you. Electrical panel designed with the Electrical toolset.

Generate and update multiple customized reports automatically.

Automate numbering of wires and generation of component tags. Additional symbols may have been subsequently added by Autodesk and therefore this document is not guaranteed to be complete either. Accelerate your electrical schematic designs with this complete library of IEC and ANSI standard DWG symbols. Access a library of 65,000+ intelligent electrical symbols. AutoCAD Electrical 2022 Libraries & Catalogues J14:11 By Miles Nicholson If you would like to find out which schematic libraries are supplied or shipped with AutoCAD Electrical 2022 or are supplied as part of the Cadline Localiser, you can do so by reading this whitepaper. The following does not include the parametric and/or dynamic symbols such as cables, PLC’s nor the dynamic source and destinations and only shows single phase representations of devices. The purpose of this white paper is to provide new users with a quick reference guide without having to view each individual web page on the Autodesk website. The following document shows the default symbols that are included within the IEC2 (& IEC4) library in accordance with IEC60617. Following on from the following previous blog about “What Symbols are contained within the Libraries of AutoCAD Electrical?” some new users have found the Autodesk web page cumbersome in understanding what symbols are contained in the IEC2 library which is still predominantly the main library used by users of AutoCAD Electrical within Northern Europe, we thought it prudent to provide a single PDF document detailing the core symbols within the library.